Dr. Daniel Schaffner

Managing Associate, Advokat

Daniel Schaffner is an attorney specialising in administrative law, in particular environmental, health and safety (EHS), as well as commercial and environmental criminal law and international criminal law. He represents his clients in court and advises them.

Daniel Schaffner studied law at the University of Basel. After graduating worked as research assistant for criminal law as well as for private law and as lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel and completed a research stay at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law in Freiburg i. Br., Germany. He received his doctorate for a thesis in international criminal law. After clerking for different courts, in the administration, the public prosecutor’s office and in private practice, Daniel Schaffner passed the bar in the Canton of Basel-Landschaft. Subsequently, he worked as assistant prosecutor in the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office Aargau, which specialises on white collar crime, before joining ADVOTECH ADVOKATEN as attorney-at-law.

Daniel Schaffner authors legal publications and is a member of the editorial board of the journal Basler Juristische Mitteilungen (BJM).

Since 2018, Daniel Schaffner has been serving as a judge at the Expropriation Court of the Canton Basel-Landschaft Tax. In 2021, he was elected as a member of the Bar Examination Commission of the Canton Basel-Landschaft.

Daniel Schaffner regularly gives the lecture ‘International Criminal Law – European Criminal Law’ at the Faculty of Law of the University of Basel.

Core competences: Administrative Law, White Collar Crime and Environmental Criminal Law
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